Mapping safety risks for hydrogen-fuelled ships. Study investigating the safety of hydrogen as fuel on ships

This report analyses hydrogen’s main characteristics to frame which safety hazards, system threats and risks to be considered and mitigated when using hydrogen as ship fuel.

New hydrogen demand report unveils once in a generation opportunity

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) launches new report identifying that heavy Industry sector are expected to dominate global hydrogen demand to 2050, with South Korea, Japan and Europe being the first markets for hydrogen.

Hydrogen in maritime: unlocking sustainable shipping

As the shipping industry moves toward decarbonisation, hydrogen is gaining traction as a key solution for cleaner, more sustainable maritime transport.

Kick-starting a green hydrogen supply chain across Asia and Africa

Asia-Pacific is already experiencing a lot of traction on the topic of hydrogen-based fuels for shipping.

Can maritime hydrogen overcome the headwinds?

Maritime shipping is both vital to the global economy, facilitating 80% of trade and enabling trillions of dollars in annual economic activity and responsible for more than 700 million tonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide (CO₂) a year. Alternative energy sources—such as hydrogen—are gaining notice and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has committed to achieving net-zero by 2050.