About the Project
Supporting MEPC decision-making
The ‘Future Fuels and Technology for Low- and Zero- Carbon Shipping Project (FFT Project)’ is a partnership project between the Government of the Republic of Korea and IMO aiming to support the regulatory decision-making at the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
The main aim of the project is to support the implementation of the IMO GHG Strategy through three main workstreams:

Workstream 1
Technical Analysis
to identify the state of play and projections regarding the global readiness, availability and sustainability of zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and/or energy sources.

Workstream 2
Online information hub
to provide easy and user-friendly access to the latest information on future fuels and technology among IMO Member States, policy makers, relevant organizations/institutions, industries and the general public.

Workstream 3
Pilot projects
organization of outreach activities to reinforce mutual understanding and cooperation between developed and developing countries and the industry.
The project was launched in September 2022 and is funded by the Republic of Korea through the Voyage Together Trust Fund, and complemented by IMO GHG TC Trust Fund, as appropriate. For more information about the project please click here.