Scalability and Sustainability
LNG Bunkering Development
Overview of key LNG bunkering developments and how this growing infrastructure relates to major global shipping routes, traditional oil bunkering ports, and the bulk LNG infrastructure which will provide the foundation for future bunkering services. This data is provided by SEA-LNG Bunker Navigator.

*There are around 190 LNG bunkering ports globally with another 80 locations implementing plans or actively considering LNG bunkering. Bio-LNG is available in over 70 locations in Europe, North America and Asia.
Global LNG-Fueled Ships and Infrastructure
The figure below shows the number of global LNG-fuelled ships (in operation and on order) and key bunkering points (available and under development). To learn more, please visit SEA-LNG.

Source: SEA-LNG and DNV AFI
Global e-LNG Projects
The figure below shows the global projects under way and a couple of sites producing renewable synthetic LNG. To learn more, please visit SEA-LNG.

Source: SEA-LNG