Scalability and Sustainability
The hydrogen production projects interactive map has been developed by the IEA using data from its Hydrogen Production Projects Database below. IEA estimates that if all these projects are realized by 2030, low-emissions hydrogen production could reach 38 Mt, compared with less than 1Mt in 2022.
To learn more, please visit IEA Hydrogen production projects interactive map.

Hydrogen Production Projects Database
This map covers all projects commissioned worldwide since 2000 to produce hydrogen for energy or climate change-mitigation purposes. It includes projects that have the objective to either reduce emissions associated with producing hydrogen or existing applications, or to use hydrogen as an energy carrier or industrial feedstock in new applications that have the potential to be a low-emissions technology option. Projects in planning or under construction are also included. To learn more, please visit the IEA Hydrogen Production and Infrastructure Projects Database.

Source: IEA. CC by 4.0
Port Infrastructure Project Database
This map covers all projects under development of hydrogen pipelines, underground storage facilities and import/export terminals dedicated to low-emissions hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels. Worldwide, there are more than 100 natural gas liquefaction plants in more than 40 ports and more than 160 natural gas regasification plants in 150 ports. Approximately 150 terminals and ports can handle ammonia. To learn more, please visit the IEA Hydrogen Production and Infrastructure Projects Database.

Source: IEA. CC by 4.0