EU ETS: important compliance clarifications

Launched in 2005, the EU’s Emission Trading System is a “cap and trade” scheme where carbon emitters in certain sectors have to purchase allowances to cover their emissions during the relevant trading period.

Year Ahead: Regulatory hurdles leave shipowners to grapple with limited options for fuelling ammonia carriers

Shipping companies building ammonia carriers to use the cargo as fuel for their ship engines may find it necessary to lobby port state control to allow use of this fuel.

Shipping emissions under the European Union Emissions Trading System

The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is expanding to include the maritime sector as part of its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

VN’s fleet struggling with EU’s new environmental laws

Vietnam’s fleet in grappling with significant challenges in adapting to global environmental shifts, said industry insiders and experts.

2023/07 – Guidance for the safe carriage of battery powered vehiles on ships

This marine notice advises ship operators and owners of the hazards of transporting battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs).

Norway’s chief IMO negotiator finds new ways to motivate owners to decarbonise

Mr Oftedal, the chief negotiator for green shipping in Norway’s Department of Marine Management and Pollution Control, who is well-known as an active architect of decarbonisation regulation within the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, said shipping will be encouraged to cut GHG emissions using both regulation and incentives to
attract investment in decarbonisation technologies.

Frontline: The question is whether the industry is ready for EU carbon quotas

Lars Barsad, CEO of the Oslo-listed tanker carrier Frontline, questions whether the industry is ready for the change that being
implemented in the EU’s carbon trading system, EU ETS, will bring.

Bureau Veritas unveils Rules for hydrogen-fuelled ships

BV), a world leader in testing, inspection and certification, has launched its first classification Rules for hydrogen-fuelled ships (NR678) to support the safe development of hydrogen propulsion in the maritime sector.

EU Emissions Trading System for Maritime Transport Explainied – Part 4 of 6

In the fourth article of our six-part series reviewing the changes introduced by the new EU rules set to apply from 1 January 2024, we look at the exclusions to the EU ETS, the penalties for non-compliance, and how the EU plans to address any attempts to avoid the new measures.

Tool helps shipping stakeholders identify best ports for developing sustainable first mover initiatives

Lloyd’s Register (LR) Maritime Decarbonisation Hub and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), in collaboration with Arup, have introduced the Sustainable First Movers Initiative Identification Tool, a system to help shipping stakeholders align investment decisions that support the maritime energy transition away from fossil fuels