Enough talk: Crunch time for IMO shipping measures to cut climate impacts

Ahead of next week’s meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (IMO, IWSG-GHG-16, March 11-15) and the subsequent Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81, March 18-22), the Clean Shipping Coalition is calling on the IMO to take action in three key areas.

Exclusive: EU wants fossil fuel sector to help pay to combat climate change, draft shows

The European Union is set to call for the fossil fuel industry to help pay for fighting climate change in poorer countries under a United Nations target, a draft document shows, as nations prepare for talks this year on a global finance goal.

Ships and ports will be crucial in achieving EU climate goal

The Commission estimates that 280 million tons of CO2 will need to be captured to meet the ambitious 90 % greenhouse gas emission reduction target in 2040. The ports, and the maritime sector will be an integral part of transporting CO2 in CCS processes.

How a universal greenhouse gas price for shipping could future-proof global trade

IMO delegates should seize the opportunity next week at the 81st session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee.

Can shipping hit IMO decarbonisation checkpoints?

Support for the IMO’s decarbonisation checkpoints and ambitions at 2030, 2040, and 2050 was unanimous at CMA Shipping 2024, but attendees were divided on whether the shipping industry could hit its marks.

Sail-powered cargo ship ‘shows potential of wind’

Retrofitting giant, rigid sails to a cargo ship has effectively cut its fuel use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, shipping firm data shows.

Delegates doubt next week’s MEPC meeting will bring concrete results

Ahead of next week’s IMO climate meeting, there is far from consensus on which instruments are needed to reduce shipping’s climate footprint.

Maersk CEO Oshares three imperatives for shipping decarbonization to succeed

Ahead of the key global event that will decide the pace of shipping’s decarbonization, Vincent Clerc, CEO of Danish shipping and logistics giant A.P. Moller – Maersk, has highlighted three imperatives that will be crucial if the maritime industry wants to meet ambitious emission reduction targets.

MEPC 81 likely to advance marine deecarbonisation agenda

The Marine Environment Protection Committee 81st session (MEPC 81) is expected to clarify steps to hit net zero targets for the sector, market participants at the Asia Pacific Maritime 2024 conference in Singapore said.

Opposing teams line up for next week’s MEPC

The eighty-first session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) will take place next week where the focus will be on developing legally-binding measures to ensure last year’s milestone agreement to phase out greenhouse gases (GHG) from shipping by 2050 is made possible.