Shipping Giants Want an End Date for Fossil Fuel-Only Vessels

The proposal was announced Friday in a joint statement from Mediterranean Shipping Co., A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, CMA CGM SA and Hapag-Lloyd AG – four of the world’s top five carriers.

United States, Denmark and the Center Join Forces to Establish Green Corridors in Developing Countries

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Danish Government have joined forces to resource and execute pre-feasibility studies for green corridors in five countries in the Global South.

COP28: green shipping corridor collaboration

During the World Climate Action Summit of COP28, the US and UK reinforced their support for the Green Shipping Challenge.

Green Power: Tristan Smith says 2023 was a game changer for the IMO. Now comes the tricky bit

“The next 18 months marks a crucial period in deciding if the International Maritime Organization can succeed with its drive for cleaner,
greener ships.”

November 2023: lithium batteries and supply chain security

Join TT Club’s Managing Director Loss Prevention, Mike Yarwood, and Risk management Director, Peregrine Storrs-Fox, as they dsicuss key risk areas for the transport and logistics industry.

AZANE Fuel Solutions launches ammonia bunker vessel design – and partners with Amogy to build zero-emissions bunker vessel

Azane Fuel Solutions launches ammonia bunker
vessel design and signs an MoU with Amogy with the intention of including a zero-emissions power system for ammonia fuel onboard.

Words matter: Net is not zero

Madadh MacLaine, secretary-general of the Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association, is a fan of our lead columnist. Here, she dives into the unacceptable wiggle room some environmental terminology can give our industry.

The decarbonisation of maritime transport: navigating between a global and EU approach

Maritime transport accounts for ~3% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs), yet is not covered by the Paris Agreement

An equitable and just transition to low-carbon shipping

The twenty-eighth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change provides an opportunity to assess progress in decarbonization efforts in the shipping sector and adds further momentum to carbon reduction actions

Access to green fuels a priority for hard-to-decarbonise shipping

A move to allow trucks to use more green fuels in order to hit carbon reduction targets (the Carbon Correction Factor) has been rejected by
the European Parliament.