One of the world’s largest flag states has sharply increased its demands over a shipping carbon levy as it faces becoming a registry without a home because of climate catastrophe, a senior official tells TradeWinds.
Plans for new levy on shipping industry to support net-zero goals
Decarbonising the shipping industry is a goal of climate talks at Cop28, with leaders meeting to discuss the urgency of cutting emissions.
Delivering net zero by 2050: The Cornerstones of Effective IMO Climate Regulations
To deliver on the goal of net zero eimissions for shipping by 2050, IMO greenhouse gas regulations must rest on solid foundations.
NextGEN Connect-Green Voyage2050 Project points to critical role of regional energy hubs in supporting maritime decarbonisation
A collaboration between Singapore, Norway and the IMO, NextGEN Connect-Green Voyage2050 Project, identified a key role for regional hubs to help connect large demand clusters and remote locations, with regional fuel supply sources, in order to enable a more inclusive and effective transition to a low-carbon maritime future.
A global comparison of national shipping emissions and green shipping measures
With COP28 underway in Dubai, T&E looks at how the global shipping community can cut emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.
Early movers crucial in closing $200 per container cost gap for zero emissions shipping in green corridors
A new report released today at the margins of COP28, details the annualised total costs of zero emission container vessels and the cost
difference on a per container basis for transpacific and coastal ships under different fuel pathways.
2024 will be shipping’s decarbonisation reality check
There was no shortage of regulatory headlines in 2023 – with MEPC 80 adopting a revised GHG strategy, the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) taking effect, and the EU formally extending the Emissions Trading System (ETS) to shipping, it was the year when the conversation on decarbonisation moved from concept to implementation.
Sea Cargo Charter to align with new emission goals
The Sea Cargo Charter (SCC) will significantly revise its reporting ambition, aligning its trajectory with emission reduction goals in response to the IMO revised greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy adopted during MEPC80 in July 2023.
Green steel in shipping: How international shipping can lower emissions through progressive adoption of green steel
Current efforts in international shipping’s decarbonization focus on fuel-related emissions, however huge reductions can be achieved by progressively switching to steel with lower embodied CO₂ emissions.
Fuelling the Future of Shipping: Key Barriers to Scaling Zero-Emission Fuel Supply
This report highlights the top 10 barriers limiting zero-emission fuel projects from getting past the final investment decision