Alternatives to polluting container ships are already on the horizon

The sea freight sector is currently considering its future energy transformation. To achieve this, the elimination of heavy fuel oil is essential, although its replacement inevitably poses major technical and logistical challenges.

To reach net-zero, shipping will have to challenge the status quo

DNV Maritime chief executive Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen says shipping needs all low- and zero-carbon alternatives, and should even look at creating ‘pink corridors’

ClassNK releases report “ClassNK Alternative Fuels Insight”

Tokyo – ClassNK has released the report “ClassNK Alternative Fuels Insight,” which summarizes the characteristics and latest trends of alternative fuels to support our customers’ future fuel selection.

What do crews need to cope with next-generation vessels and fuels?

From co-operation in complex operations to managing risk to behavioural change, it all boils down to training

Shipping industry looks for consensus on sustainable fuels ahead of net-zero goals

Global shippers convened in Montreal on Thursday to sort out which sustainable fuels their vessels should use — a key question given that boats built today will still be running in 2050.

Minister Calls on IMO for Faster Transition to Sustainable Fuel

Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture, Honourable Carlos James has called in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other agencies, to focus more on pushing maritime companies to accelerate the transition to sustainable fuel for marine transportation.

A greenhouse gas shipping levy is on the horizon

A charge on emissions for cargo vessels would become the first global carbon price, but disagreements on system design and starting prices remain

New survey findings shed light on the impact of decarbonisation on seafarers’ wellbeing

A survey carried out by the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) and sponsored by The Shipowners’ Club indicates that the rapid changes brought about by decarbonisation technologies and regulatory regimes are having a substantial impact on workload, fatigue and stress levels at sea.

Mapping safety risks for hydrogen-fuelled ships. Study investigating the safety of hydrogen as fuel on ships

This report analyses hydrogen’s main characteristics to frame which safety hazards, system threats and risks to be considered and mitigated when using hydrogen as ship fuel.

Alternative Fuels: Many Possibilities But a Clear Path is Evasive

As the world zeroes in on alternative energy sources and products that can deliver power and performance, there are advances that could sway even the most hardened skeptic.