How a universal greenhouse gas price for shipping could future-proof global trade

IMO delegates should seize the opportunity next week at the 81st session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee.

Fossil fuel majors miss the mark on climate targets

Nearly a decade after the Paris Agreement, the world’s biggest oil and gas companies, including BP and Saudi Aramco, are far from meeting the 1.5°C global warming limit. And they’re making plans to expand.

Bellona meets with Arctic Council officials on black carbon and alternative energy in the polar region

As new environmental priorities fill the agenda of the Arctic Council under Norway’s leadership, Bellona met last week with its chair, Morten Høgland, to discuss battling climate change in the earth’s most vulnerable and rapidly heating region.

Climate change indicators reached record levels in 2023: WMO

The state of the climate in 2023 gave ominous new significance to the phrase “off the charts.”

Assessing the future prospects of emerging technologies for shipping and aviation biofuels: A critical review

The focus of this review is on the current trends in the production of biofuels for the marine and aviation sectors, taking into account the main targets set, the existing regulations and directives on the subject, and an analysis of the type of technologies used for their production.

Records smashed – new WMO climate report confirms 2023 hottest so far

Records were once again broken for greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, sea level rise, ice cover and glacier retreat, a new global report issued by the UN weather agency (WMO) on Tuesday shows.

What do we need to know to make CO2 shipping for CCS a reality?

This Energy Insight provides a summary of the concepts and factors relevant to the shipping of CO2 in liquid form, in the UK and elsewhere, for the purpose of broadening the geographic reach of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applications.

Accelerating the climate transition through scientist-led CO2 management pilot projects

The existential threat posed by the climate crisis calls for urgent solutions to manage hard-to-abate and unavoidable CO2 emissions. This Comment shows, by example, the key role that scientists can play in launching pioneering pilot projects, leveraging their research, systems understanding and networks, and thus educating the next generation of climate innovators.

MOL Becomes First Japanese Operator to Commercially Install Onboard CO2 Capture System

TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) today announced that it has decided to equip its LR1 product tanker Nexus Victoria (75,000 DWT class) with the “Filtree System,” an onboard CO2 capture system with a SOx scrubber (Note 1) manufactured by Value Maritime B.V. (VM) (Note 2), a Dutch emission reducing technology company.