The world’s first clean ammonia-powered container ship

With global shipping accounting for 706 million tonnes of CO2 emissions last year, it is iimperative that we cooperate acrosss value chains to reach the 1.5°C goal by 2030.

Words matter: Net is not zero

Madadh MacLaine, secretary-general of the Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association, is a fan of our lead columnist. Here, she dives into the unacceptable wiggle room some environmental terminology can give our industry.

COP28: green shipping corridor collaboration

During the World Climate Action Summit of COP28, the US and UK reinforced their support for the Green Shipping Challenge.

The Oil and Gas Industry in Net Zero Transitions

The Oil and Gas Industry in Net Zero Transitions analyses the implications and opportunities for the industry that would arise from stronger international efforts to reach energy and climate targets

Maersk signs landmark green methanol offtake agreement, significantly de-risking its low-emission operations in this decade

The offtake agreement between A.P. Moller – Maersk and Chinese developer Goldwind, a global leader in clean energy, reaches into the next decade and marks the first large scale green methanol offtake agreement for the global shipping industry.

The rise of LNG-powered vessels in container shipping

With nearly three years since the implementation of IMO2020, aimed at reducing sulfur in ship fuels for cleaner air, container shipping operators have embarked on a journey of innovation.

These electric ferries may set a new standard around clean public transportation

Many cities around the world see clean and efficient public transport as a crucial way to lower their carbon emissions.

EU backs global shipping levy as it seeks to deflect carbon trading criticism

The European Union’s controversial carbon emission trading scheme looks set to get off the ground on schedule next year without a hint of a legal or diplomatic challenge.

Researcher Warns of Hidden Emissions Caused by Ramp-Up of Alternative Fuels

The shift to alternative bunker fuels risks raising the GHG emissions of the shipping industry if additional feedstock for the renewable alternatives is not sustainably produced, according to a recently published paper.

Ellesmere Port: Green shipping hub for vehicle plant opens

A new £10m shipping connection which aims to reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain for a major vehicle plant in Cheshire has opened.