These will be shipping’s most important climate initiatives in 2024

The need for a binding agreement on how the maritime sector should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions will and must become more important in 2024.

Alternative Fuels Ammonia

Liam Blackmore gives an introduction and overview of Ammonia as a fuel for shipping including technical challenges, safety elements and sustainability in this video.

Green Seas: Passenger vessels have more work to do to get on Poseidon Principles carbon track

After the Covid-19 pandemic brought cruise to a screeching halt in 2020, one of the side effects was that it delivered a blow to emissions data reported by the shipping banks signed up for the Poseidon Principles.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges & CMB.TECH launch the Hydrotug 1, world’s first hydrogen-powered tugboat

The Hydrotug 1 is the first tugboat in the world to be powered by combustion engines that burn hydrogen in combination with traditional fuel.

IEA assesment of the evolving pledges at COP28

At the COP28 climate change conference in Dubai, pledges have been made in three key areas – by many countries on renewables and energy efficiency, and by a significant number of companies on methane.

Norway’s chief IMO negotiator finds new ways to motivate owners to decarbonise

Mr Oftedal, the chief negotiator for green shipping in Norway’s Department of Marine Management and Pollution Control, who is well-known as an active architect of decarbonisation regulation within the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, said shipping will be encouraged to cut GHG emissions using both regulation and incentives to
attract investment in decarbonisation technologies.

Europe’s largest rocket travels on a wind-powered cargo ship

With its four sails towering 121 feet (37 meters) over its main deck, Canopée is a cargo ship with an unusual design, and a very unusual cargo.

Shipping lines urge IMO to accelerate regulations for green fuel transition

Major global shipping lines have urged the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to create regulatory conditions for accelerating the transition to green fuels

Carbon capture becomes focus for divisions at climate conference

Carbon capturee and storage has emerged as flashpoint at the UN climate conference in Dubai about how big a role it is destined to
play in reaching the target of net zero emissions.