Ports have a key role to play in transforming the energy-maritime value chain, with the necessary future infrastructure to support the supply of low and zero carbon fuels at scale for shipping to transport and use. Several tools are available to facilitate this transformation. Find out more on the IAPH website.
IAPH Clean Marine Fuels Working Group
This group empowers ports to facilitate, stimulate and regulate supply of new marine fuels by providing practical assessment, operational and guidance tools. These include audit tools, terminal-ready tools and bunkering checklists.
The Port Readiness Tool
IAPH is co-developing a Port Readiness Level tool to assist ports with self-assessing their readiness levels to either bunker or accommodate vessels that use new marine fuels and to plan ahead in line with their characteristics and ambitions.
IAPH Environmental Ship Index (ESI)
This index assesses over 6,600 vessels for improvements in emissions performance beyond IMO standards, with 60 global incentive providers (mainly ports) offering financial incentives such as reduced port dues based on ESI scores. Vessels using new marine fuels score favourably using the index.
IAPH World Ports Sustainability Program
This program provides a wide range of best practices by world ports in applying the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These include UNDG 7, the provision of affordable and clean energy.
Global Ports Hydrogen Coalition
This coalition is part of the Hydrogen initiative (H2I) of Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) dedicated to support the scale-up of clean hydrogen in the global economy. IAPH is collaborating with IEA by integrating its database of port-related hydrogen projects into the World Ports Sustainability Program.
If you are interested in finding out more about IAPH tools for the implementation of clean marine fuels click here.
For more information, email: takeshi.suzuki@iaphworldports.org