Future Insight

Exploring Alternative Fuels

Identifying key priorities for fuel supply chain stakeholders is vital to deliver an efficient, safe and sustainable transition to zero-carbon marine fuels. The insight-based assessment of fuels readiness provides the basis for effective decision-making as the maritime sector navigates the journey to a decarbonized future.

Readiness Level

Insight-based assessment of fuels readiness, as the basis for effective decision making when the maritime sector navigates the journey to a decarbonized future.

Scalability and Sustainability

Future insights, notably into the scalability and sustainability of candidate fuels facilitating our net-zero ambition.

Fuels Introduction


SGMF low and zero carbon fuels introductory publications provide information about safety, environmental impact, supply, production pathways and regulatory framework development of alternative marine fuels. Please download here

Expert Insights to Fuels

‘Fuel for Thought’ by LR provides an insightful and comprehensive series of reports on alternative fuel choices for shipping. Download the reports here.

LR Fuel for Thought

ClassNK provides “ClassNK Alternative Fuels Insight” updating information on trends in the adoption of alternative fuel ships, including orders and deliveries, demand outlook for alternative fuels, and cost simulations. Download here

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