A gateway to the latest information on future fuels and technology promoting a just and equitable transition

The website has been developed by Future Fuels and Technology Project (FFT Project) supporting the implementation of the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy by facilitating relevant information sharing.



Latest Information

Fuel Uptake

Statistics by fuel/technology type

Fuel Supply

Infrastructure map by region

Fuel Price

Fuel premium/price trend chart

Fuel Consumption (DCS)

Annual consumption, carbon intensity trends

Alternative Fuels

Readiness level, scalability and sustainability


Readiness levels and FAQ

Fuel Price Forecast

Fuels premium by fuel type


Ports, industry and shipbuilding



Summaries and updates on recent papers/reports


News by topic and fuel/energy type


IMO climate events and meetings

Useful Tools

Software, video, glossary and inventory

Learning Resources

E-learning, training materials and workshop packages

Cooperation and Support

IMO technical cooperation projects and funds


Latest updates

Latest Information

Statistics on the uptake of alternative fuels (from DNV’s AFI platform) and the global map of fuel price gaps between conventional and alternative fuels (from Argus Media) have been updated.


Future Insight

General information on alternative fuels (from SGMF), expert’s insight on alternative fuels (from Lloyd’s Register Maritime Decarbonisation Hub), and the methanol availability map (from the Methanol Institute) have been added or updated.

News and Events

Summary of relevant publications (from the Korea Maritime Cooperation Centre) and global news on alternative marine fuels and technologies (from IMO Maritime Knowledge Centre) have been updated.


Training and Cooperation

Restrictions on Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) discharge water (from BIMCO and ICS), a glossary of climate change definitions (from BIMCO) and a training course on wind propulsion (from ENSM and the Association of Wind Ship) have been added.

Data Providers